Exporting to China |
Monday, November 13, 2006 |
Here is the link and a summary. Exporting to China: Peril or Smart Business Plan
China, one of the fastest growing economies in the world, has strong attractions for American traders who are considering entering the ... all ยป Chinese market. Yet it can be a difficult country in which to do business. American firms must deal with a wide variety of issues, including the changing priorities of the Chinese Government, the lack of transparency in government decision making, the ups and downs of U.S.-China relations and the difficulties in dealing with a different culture. This 2 hour 50 minute long seminar will help guide you past such obstacles-and put you on the path to a successful venture in this large and challenging market. Topics covered include:
Prospects for the Chinese Economy. - General overview plus business environment as perceived by American business in China (examples include HR, IPR, WTO). - Industry Issues, including Automotive, Banking. - Outlook for Business in China
China's Commercial Landscape - Opportunities and Challenges, Paths to Market Entry and Available Federal Resources
Managing Risk in an Evolving Business Environment. - Protecting IP. - Negotiating contracts, useful clauses & considerations.
Assessing and Reaching Chinese Market. - Customs and Logistics: Getting your products to Market. - Secure Financing and Getting Paid
posted by Domesticated Dog @ 2:59 AM  |