Creating An Opportunity |
Saturday, November 18, 2006 |
Sometimes the best next job to get is the one you give yourself. Or, so I am telling myself now. I've been self-employed for the last 3 years and I find that it is extremely rewarding when the paydays finally arrive. One of the lessons that I have learned and continue to learn is to explore opportunities by siezing them first. A day wasted is a day lost.
To work on my business, the first thing I had to do was clear the time to be busy on a new project. This involved closing out existing work and preparing myself to go without income for a period of time. I made sure to let my family know what I was gearing up to do and then jumped. It is an act of faith. All the preparatory steps are just that - preparations to justify my faith.
The last few months have been a little of a challenge. Primary objectives have included: identifying necessary resources, making phone calls, doing some dry run sales cales to guage market interest in the project, and realizing that this entire project would be a lot easier with more cash. On the other side, I take some inspiration from Steve Wozniak who said on recent program that sometimes it better to have less to start with because it will make you more efficient in your methods. You have to assume that, based on his track record, he would know.
This week is important to me. There will be a combination of cold calls and systems diagramming to prepare for my first implementation. My goal is to sell business services to business customers and as such I need to be ready to roll from the moment I contact them in orer to close the sale. They need to know that a system is waiting for them.
I've made some projections about potential expenses and have examined the public operations of large, successful firms in my particular field and have come to the conclusion that the market is not full and more importantly that the barriers to entry wil remain low, because the service is simple, practical, and always in high demand. Most importantly, it is a service I enjoy providing and the work itself creates additional opportunities and relationships.
Life is a great and wonderful experiment. |
posted by Domesticated Dog @ 5:46 PM  |